Friday, July 2, 2010


Hi everyone! Today I’m going to talk about my blogging experience. I think that blogs are a very good way to express and communicate ideas with other people, and are one of the best ways to make the most of internet.
I like writing, in fact, I had a blog in the past (but obviously in Spanish), but I never think that one day I will have to write a blog in English. I think that the idea of a blog in English classes is great to learn the language and exchange knowledge while you learn more English. However, I must say that in many times I feel very frustrated because I have many ideas in Spanish about a subject, but translate it to English makes changes in my ideas, and I think that ideas lost the power that could it have in Spanish. I know that this situation is a sign of my level of English, and it have to encourage me to learn more English, but I have to recognize that my first reaction is frustration.
Apart from this situation, I think that writing in English had improved my command of this language, and my fluency when I speak in English had improved too (or at least I feel that).
I think that other advantage of writing in English’s blogs – that isn’t related so directly with the learning of the language – is that you can know other classmates, and know things about them too. Personally, I considerate that I’m not a social person (I’m not crazy and neither hate people, is only shyness), and share ideas in this way (the blogs) help me to be more social with others (in the real life), because I know some about their ideas.