Friday, June 25, 2010


Hi everyone! Today I’m going to talk you (sorry, I don’t know other way to start my posts) about the blog of my classmate Gonzalo that is called “The Tea House”. In his blog Gonzalo had written ten posts. I like the Gonzalo’s blog because the posts are interesting, most of all the posts about Japanese and oriental things, I think that aspect is very original in relation with others blogs. I think the template and the slide of photographs in one side are beautiful … and the fishes that follow the cursor of mouse, I love them!
My favorite post of Gonzalo’s blog is called “Remember to Puerto Montt”. In general, I like the stories that people tell about foreign places that know, and more when I know the place, because I compare my own experience with the experience of the other person.
I don’t know what to say about an aspect of English that Gonzalo should focus more. I read his posts over and over again and I think that apparently doesn’t have failures in his written, maybe a few typing mistakes, but nothing seriously that my super-high level of English could perceive it.
Well… This is the end of my review. I expected keep reading the posts of the “Tea House”.
Regards for all!

Friday, June 18, 2010


Today I’m going to talk about the Chilean national culture. I think that the essence of the Chilean people is demonstrated in events like Teleton or football championships, like, for example, the effervescence caused by the triumph over Honduras in the last game in the World Cup.
In this kind of events the people feels that is memberships of something, even for some few minutes or hours (ninety minutes that longs the game of football or the “twenty-seven hours of love” that longs the Teleton). I think that the characteristics that those events exploit – like the extreme solidarity of the Chilean people or the union of different people that is caused by football – are only shallows and temporary feelings. The people feel those things until the events stop and everyone turn off the T.V., and come back to their real life, with problems that make this person forget the solidarity and the beautiful union with other people.
I think that the supposed strong sense of identity those events gives is only appearance. People in the street are more and more selfish and individualist. I’m not saying that you have to walk and say hello to everyone or something like that, but a little attention to others will do more nice places like Metro and the public transport in general. I think that details with others Chileans (for example, with the old people in the public transport) create the real strong Chilean identity.

Friday, June 4, 2010


Today I’m going to talk you about Sir Ken Robinson’s talk called “Do Schools Kill Creativity”, and my opinion about the matter. This talk is about how the current system of education stopped the development of creativity, that for Ken Robinson, is an innate quality that all the humans have. This matter he related to thing like music, dance and art, all in a very funny way.
I think that really the school kills creativity, but is a problem that involves many types of “schools”. Is not only the primary school, I think that the first incentives that we received in our families since we born are very important in the future, especially when we will have to confront to the school and the ways that this institution have for kills this quality. I know about the power of the school like an institution with a lot of authority, and how that it forms the kid character in her bases. However, I think that the kid comes to school with things that will be more or less reinforced, it depends of his first year and incentives. And, even this things in the kid character aren’t forms yet (the schools will finish – in part – the work), this first incentives “will pronounce sentences” in the future.
The problem with the teachers and the antiquated way to teach that they still have is other subject. In fact, is a big subject of discussion that Ken Robinson refers in his talk.
Well, that is all. I expect that you could understand my idea about the matter.
Regards for all!