Friday, June 25, 2010


Hi everyone! Today I’m going to talk you (sorry, I don’t know other way to start my posts) about the blog of my classmate Gonzalo that is called “The Tea House”. In his blog Gonzalo had written ten posts. I like the Gonzalo’s blog because the posts are interesting, most of all the posts about Japanese and oriental things, I think that aspect is very original in relation with others blogs. I think the template and the slide of photographs in one side are beautiful … and the fishes that follow the cursor of mouse, I love them!
My favorite post of Gonzalo’s blog is called “Remember to Puerto Montt”. In general, I like the stories that people tell about foreign places that know, and more when I know the place, because I compare my own experience with the experience of the other person.
I don’t know what to say about an aspect of English that Gonzalo should focus more. I read his posts over and over again and I think that apparently doesn’t have failures in his written, maybe a few typing mistakes, but nothing seriously that my super-high level of English could perceive it.
Well… This is the end of my review. I expected keep reading the posts of the “Tea House”.
Regards for all!


  1. yes..he do a difference..a special style..Besides..the blos is pretty.. :D


  2. However, the post about Puerto Montt is absolutely different respect to Japan! hahaha.

  3. Do you remeber the song "Puerto Mooooooont" ?
    My dear Lucy, yes, I had a revelation =)

  4. the Gonzalos's blog is interesting and beauty ... see this japanese motif!

    kiss my dear lucy! :)

  5. many people has speaking about Gonzalo´s blog!!
    his particular style is very bright

  6. Hi, i'd like Gonzalo's blog too, his posts are very interesting.

    Jumbito for you xD
